Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hemo Rage

So yesterday I received my order of Hemo Rage Black Ultra Concentrate Sucker Punch... and let me just say -- that shit is hardcore. I took a full scoop and ended up FUCKED UP for like 5 hours. No joke, it felt like I did a bunch of good cocaine and rigged up some b12 or something. It was intense. That being said, I didnt even hit the gym. I was preoccupied with women, but thats ok. I needed to take a day off! I really like Tire Flip Tuesday, but there will be others! I dont plan on going anywhere. I have not weighed myself today. I have been eating quite a bit, hoping to end around 4400 today, although yesterday I slacked due to being so fucked up. Im gonna stick with a QUARTER of a scoop. And Im no pussy when it comes to narcotics or being jacked up. You can take that to the bank, son. Ive been doing a little bit better with my rage. Still havent murdered anyone. I have contemplated it though. I will be doing deadlifts this evening. Probably through in some lat pull downs and rows as well. Get a nice back workout and Im sure I'll feel great. I really want to pull up 500lbs today, and we shall see! I feel like I must share with you the sight for sore eyes this afternoon. During my lunch, I was walking through the campus of Indiana State University. As I near the end of my lunch, I cross paths with a gorgeous little blonde who had some of THE biggest melons on display. I mean, she had those things out for everyone to notice, and by God they looked good.  we smiled at eachother in passing and then she caught me. Plain as day she saw me look right at em. But how am i supposed to help that? Thats what she wanted. She knows what she's doin...

Monday, April 16, 2012

burning the oil

Probably more like burning both ends of the candle. Today was day 17. I am 200lbs which is +17. I benched this evening. Had a really good pump. felt great. lifted heavier than i have been for sure. probably 50lbs heavier than normal. I wasnt able to get as many reps per set but it felt great! My rage is just about out of control. I guess I have done a good job of not displaying it, but I can feel the hate inside me and I talk like a sailor. Im taking a lot of deep breaths and I get irate in the privacy of my car. On the flip side, I had a very pretty woman tell me that I looked good. I did previously have familiar relations with said pretty woman, so take that however it is supposed to be taken...(?) Anyway, I ended this evening under my caloric goal. Right around 3300 today. I made a pretty large protein shake for my post-workout and it just sat really heavy all evening. Tomorrow is TIRE FLIP TUESDAY! F YEAH!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Hulk Smash!

Hmm well today has been a good day for me. I got up early and had a protein shake. Hit the gym with a friend and did a solid hour's worth of squats. my legs are pretty sore as i write this. such a deep burn! I burnt a pile of wood this afternoon. Thats always awesome lol. Ive been feeling very on edge lately. I didnt snap on anyone, but ive wanted to. Ive been so frustrated with these fucking retards that I dont want to go anywhere or see anyone. Ignorance and stupidity scares the shit out of me. Im honestly afraid I might snap and go to jail. If one more fat cunt rides my ass Im gonna lose it! I bought some stuff off amazon a little while ago. Some Hemo Rage Black from Nutrex. Its some hardcore shit lol. I may take tomorrow off. I believe the group of guys Ive been working out with hits bench on mondays, but im not gonna be up to that. I can still feel my last chest session hahaha. Blood pressure is still 160/90. Hanging around 4200 calories today. Several people have told me Ive bulked up recently. I mean.... You should see a difference lol. I notice a difference in my forearms, biceps, my back, lats, traps all feel and look better. Gonna try to keep it up!

Dont make me angry. You wouldnt like me when Im angry. HULK SMASH!

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Good evening! Today is Saturday day 15. Mid way. I weighed in this evening at 199lbs (mwahahahaha) which is +16lbs! Woke up early - feelin good lol. Had a monster protein shake in my new shaker. Two scoops of whey, 2 table spoons of peanut butter, a healthy squeeze from a hershey syrup bottle, and 20oz of whole milk! Hit the bench at the gym around 9am. I have now added 40lbs to my bench - which is fucking insane to say the least. Now admittedly some has to be muscle memory. But my weekly increase was not 20lbs, it was like 2.5. So far today, protein wise, ive had over 400 grams, with 156 grams coming from whey powder. Thats still a lot of meat... Im gonna monitor my salt intake a little more closely. My blood pressure is still kinda high, but the guys from Iron Mag Labs forum say its at its normal range. I appreciate their input. Ive had some mild cramping in my back, i dont believe it would be enough to say back pumps, but ive been taking taurine and potassium and its been helping. My rage isnt so bad if Im not around people. Noone was at the gym, it was awesome. I had an awesome steak dinner at Terre Villa and noone was in there either. Im probably just gonna spend my evening by myself.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Day Off

Day off from the gym, not work. Had a fucking terrible start to my morning, and I just about snapped and quit my job. That wouldnt have been cool. Now that its after lunch, Im starting to feel a wee bit better. I signed up for the IronMagLabs forum and asked about my blood pressure situation. Im pretty sure its normal, but I figured id see what they say. I checked out their website first and noticed that Metha-drol has been discontinued for some reason... Even checked out Orbit Nutrition, where I placed my original order, no longer carries Metha-Drol Extreme.. Strange! Not really. Today was payday. Gonna get groceries this evening with my little brother. I grabbed two new shakers from Complete Nutrition on my lunch break. A couple of kids that work in there were at our gym the other night. My weight is 197 which is +14! This is day 14! Im ready to be in the gym, but your body needs time to recoup! You'd really hate to hurt yourself when you cant afford to be hurt!

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Brief update. I am at +12lbs at day13. I feel like that's doing pretty well. I've been eating a lot. Probably not quite enough. I've done very well so far at staying away from junk food and fast food. Haven't had a soda pop in a while. 'Soda pop' lol. I'm consuming an average of 4150 calories per day. My blood pressure is still high, but thats to be expected. The pump is great. Every workout I get a great pump and I just feel awesome all around. I love waking up in the morning and pissing excellence. I feel great in the morning, at work I'm in a great mood, I walk around feeling like a viagra pill with a face. I can safely say I'm tired of eating and shitting. Its a lot of work. After my gym sessions its all I can do to eat and then I'm asleep by 930. Wake up at 7 feeling fucking awesome... until next time

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Winding down another day. Its been a good one. Work went by fast. Ive felt pretty damn good all day. Weight still up. I believe Im +12 right now. All this misery is intoxicating. I just got back from the gym. Did some lat pull downs, seated rows, then i went ahead and hit some tricep pull downs. as soon as i got home i ate a monster bowl of beef and mashed potatoes and rice and green beens and gravy. Hot damn! it was fuckin delicious! So i just busted my ass, then i stuffed my face and had to wash it all down with a protein shake. i feel like i wanna vomit/shit my brains out/sleep... but it feels GREAT! I keep eating. My weight keeps going up. I keep pushing more weight. Looking forward to the next two weeks!

My rage isnt so bad but im still feeling like a beast. Im still sleeping a lot, but im only tired when i sleep. no lethargy. not really feeling bloated. i dont look bloated. i forgot to take pics. ill see what i can do

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Bruce Banner

So we are nearing the end of day 11. I am +13lbs. Im feeling good! We had an outdoor circuit this evening and I can say without a doubt, that my tire flip was considerably easier today. Ive been keeping around 4000 calories. Still over 400 grams of protein. Ive been eating quite a bit of peanut butter. Drinking a lot of milk. 3 protein shakes a day. Im so tired of eating and shitting my brains out lol. Im sleeping a good 9 hours each night. My rage doesnt subside. I get tired of people quickly, although Ive only been confrontational once. I didnt snap, but it was a heated argument. My blood pressure has been staying around 160/80. Im normally 120/80 but i know from past experience that i am prone to high blood pressure. i monitor this two to three times a day. I dont feel bloated anymore. I might rest tomorrow, i might do back and abs. Ill take some new pics and post later on.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

End of week 1

So today is day 8. I am +10lbs. Ive feeling great! I had a great workout today. Im looking very pumped, and very lean.  Ive added at least 20lbs to every exercise ive been doing. Im swinging a 55lb kettlebell and its cake anymore. i wanna try a 70lb! Im still having problems eating. Its almost everything i can do to get 3500 down. I might have to start relying on more shakes. Anyway, tomorrow is my rest day. Monday gonna hit chest. My forearms are freakin toight like a toiger. Also gonna pickup some Hemo Rage Black next week and see how that effects my already pumped workout sessions.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Scared to death!

Ok well maybe Im not scared to death, but this shit is UNREAL. I feel like a fuckin BEAST. Today is day 7. I am + 10lbs. Yesterday was chest/tri and I went up 20lbs and 3 reps on chest. In 6 days Im up 20lbs on my rep weight? My brother asked how long I had been taking the metha-drol.  2 weeks was his guess. His fuckin jaw dropped when I told him 6 days! Obviously it has a great psych impact. Today will be leg press, deadlifts, and squats. then i get a haircut! Probably wont do too much this weekend. Might get a days rest in there. On the downside, my blood pressure was high this morning. 159/89 which is pretty high. Im usually 125/85 or something. That and my rage is fuckin nuts. I havent snapped but I can feel it flowing through my veins like whiskey. I love the burn.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Beast Mode Engaged!

I feel like a fucking beast! I love this feeling! Obviously doing well today. Yesterday i only finished around 3000 calories <sad face> not cool at all bro. Stomach is doing better today. Im at the 2000 calorie mark right now, and I know I can pull another 2 this evening. Working on chest tonight at the gym. Really ive been doing some reading, drinking water, and eating. Last night i slept like a log, too! it was awesome lol. Weighed in at 193 which is +10 lbs...Im only working a half day tomorrow, then gym, then haircut at 4! HELL YEAH! I can safely say the Metha-Drol makes me feel like a beast. I can feel the fire inside me just a-roaring! And it feels good!

To quote Arnold. "I'm getting the feeling of cumming in the gym. Im getting the feeling of cumming at home. Im getting the feeling of cumming when Im back stage when I pump up, when I pose out in front of 5000 people - I get the same feeling. So I'm cumming day and night"

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Holy fuck did that tire flip kick my ass. 5 rounds of 2 525lb tire flips. 100 meter dash with 70lb on your back. 20 seconds undulation rope. viking hammer swings. shoulder presses. Im really feeling it today. I had a lot of fun with the tire, and im ready to tackle it again, but i must admit that she's a formidable opponent. I guess ive been feeling a little bloated lately and not eating as much as i was, but still keeping 4000+. Im still feeling really good, although I have noticed a little acne and definitely some aggression. I hate driving because i just want to murder mother fuckers. I drive a brand new mustang and I cant stand when people ride my ass or even pull up close. I fucking hate it, it drives me nuts, and I wont stand for it. I will pull the e brake and get out. I swear to God. Do not make me get outta my car.  :D lol well today im taking off for a little R&R. Heading down to the old lady's place for a while after work. Tomorrow will be chest day. Im ready for it

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Thats right, BABY! Tire flip this evening, and Im looking forward to it. Im feeling good. Today weighed in at 192.5 which is +9. Which is also the reason I hate weighing in every damn day because theres no possible way that in three days I gained 9 pounds. Anyway, I FEEL GOOD. Really good. You might be wondering why I didnt post yesterday (lol)  I did write something up, i just didnt post. I have mixed feelings about it. Yesterday began as an off day for me. I felt a little bloated and ended up only consuming 3500 calories. I had a decent workout at the gym. Didnt do too much though. I hit the leg press and left. I didnt want to kill myself and not be able to do the outdoor circuit this evening. And if it fucking rains... Im gonna be PISSED. Today I was doing well with breakfast, a shake, a mid morning snack... but I forgot to bring my main lunch so i had a double royale with cheese (double quarter pounder). I have my after lunch snack though, and another shake, and some more whole milk. Probably going to end up around 4500 today. Do work, baby!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Fools

I played a horrible joke this morning on my facebook page, stating i received some news this morning and Im gonna be a dad. Nothing could be father from the truth. FURTHER!** lol please excuse my attempt at humor. Anyway, today is day TWO. Im feeling good. I shoveled down a whopping 5000 calories yesterday with 450 grams of protein (YEAH BABY!). I was super pumped at the gym. Its been a while since ive been on NO. Felt great. Looked great (see previous picture). Today Im picking up the old lady and we're going to watch 21 jump street, followed by lasagna! Might do some lifting later, might take today off idk.;

8pm edit --

Well 21 jump street was the SHIT. Hilarious movie! Just got back from the gym. It was another good day. I hate hate hate taking a weigh-in every single day because it is in no way, shape, or form accurate because of the different times we eat, drink, piss, and shit. Youre much better off taking a weekly average. Day Two is +3, but like i said ive been consuming a lot. Did a number of tricep pull downs. tried to keep good form. had a really great pump! also threw in some dips finished it off with a quick antagonistic curl and reverse curl. Remember, that first 20 minutes after your workout are CRITICAL. Your muscles are in a completely anabolic state, and protein is a must for muscle synthesis. I downed 16oz of whole milk with 2 scoops of whey, so I got plenty of Casein proteins and 52 grams of whey. If I have another meal between now and bedtime im looking at over 5000 again today.